020 7353 7884



Temple Tax Chambers continues its process of expansion and recruitment.


Applications for tenancy are invited from established tax practitioners – see below.


All applications will be treated confidentially and can be sent to clerks@templetax.com.




When positions are available they will be advertised here and on the Bar Council website.  Applications need to be accompanied by a detailed CV.



Established Tax Practitioners

This category includes transferring solicitors, qualified accountants, chartered tax advisers, Revenue officers and trust and estate practitioners.

If you require pupillage to complete your training as a barrister we will be pleased to consider your application – we advertise on the Bar Standards Board designated web site click here.

If you are applying for a tenancy but have yet to complete your training do please contact us and we will be happy to give an indication on tenancy and assist where we can with respect to pupillage and exceptions from the academic, vocational and professional stages of the Bar Training Rules.


All tenancy applications need to be accompanied by a detailed CV and business plan.


Transferring solicitors

There are special regulations which apply to transferring solicitors with the possibility of complete (for those with higher courts rights of audience) or partial exemption from  the academic, vocational and professional stages of training. See the Bar Standards Board Handbook at Part 4 Section B, B7 rQ79 onwards. Click here.


Temple Tax Chambers welcomes applications for pupillage from practising solicitors or those completing their training contract. This is a well-established route into the Revenue Bar in general and Temple Tax in particular.


The qualities that we look for in transferring solicitors are the same as in any other established tax practitioner applicant and, consequently, we are seeking to identify those who have the potential over time to become top Revenue law barristers, able to develop the full range of skills of a successful Tax Counsel.


Transferring (qualified) solicitors are exempt from applying through the Pupillage Gateway under Bar Council regulations. So we invite such candidates to apply by way of CV and detailed covering letter, including the names and contact details of two referees.  Those applications should be made by email, addressed to the Management Committee, clerks@templetax.co, and will be treated in the strictest confidence. (It is possible that established practitioners including transferring solicitors may be able to start pupillage at a time other than the normal commencement date in October.) 

Chambers is consistently recognised as a Leading Tax Set in the Chambers and Partners and Legal 500 Directories

Our Members

Alun James
Michael Sherry
Jonathan S. Schwarz
Tim Brown
Scott Redpath
Michael Collins
Philip Ridgway
Stephen Arthur
Michael Quinlan
Keith M Gordon
Ximena Montes Manzano
Lyndsey Frawley
David Pett
Michael Avient
Denis Edwards
Siobhan Duncan

Our Clerks

Lucy Campbell
Senior Clerk
Cindy Green
Harrison Singleton
Junior Clerk
Tracey Oliver
Chambers Administrator

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Keith M Gordon

David Pett

Jonathan S. Schwarz

David Pett

Ximena Montes Manzano

David Pett

Keith M Gordon

Keith M Gordon

Alun James
Michael Collins

Philip Ridgway

Jonathan S. Schwarz

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